Labor pains began quickly this morning! I check my little six duck eggs first thing each morning and last thing at night. I turn them at least four to five times a day and midst them lightly with water. As my first collected egg was touched by my had a little place that felt was....punched almost through! I ran into tell Mark, "I'm gonna be a momma soon." Of course, he knew what I meant. He tries to act so cool and collected, but I knew he was as excited as I was. So, I keep me Ellie Mae, but I eagerly await the arrival of my very first hatchling. I remember the day when Mark handed me that little egg and I began this process. I will post a pic as soon as it is born. I have six total eggs and each has the date they were collected written on the outside shell.
As I watch the little egg will shake a bit and I know the little fella/gal is workin hard on the inside. Today, it will be born. Any suggestions for a name? I called my resident expert in daughter-in-law Amber....she said now it is going to take awhile. I guess she knows I may sit by the incubator all day and wants me to chill a bit. I have calmed down now, but I still keep running in to see the egg and check to see if the shell has any changes on it. I texted Sarah and Krista to tell them I'm in labor early this morning. Sarah is glad it isn't her...and reminded me to breathe...isn't that great. Krista just wants to be here...she is like me thinks it is going to happen really quick. I did not raise a little country girl...the daughters in law are totally 100% country. So, today Krista and I may be at the incubator all day long! You know for over 30 days I have turned eggs....worked very hard to keep the temperature perfect, tried to keep the humidity level up. I have really taken this hatching thing seriously. I am sure that I will make it through this process...just pray for is really cool!!!!!
Nope I'm not a country girl...but I married a country boy! He tries to change me but I'm not having any of that. :) Give me running water, air condition, and a mall close by and I'm a happy girl!! LOL